I am not much of a planner girl or a planner addict. I keep a small notebook to jote down notes, ideas, to-buy/to-do lists and the usual boring stuff. I do not make an effort to make it pretty ... until recently ... I saw a friend with this sugar sweet (pink!) Kikki K planner and in it, it is filled with dividers with inspiration quotes, cute stickers, paper clips, journal cards, etc and then suddenly, I am hooked! I started to research on what people do with their planners and am amazed at the creativity! Overnight, I have become a planner girl! =)

Personalising my planner with rubber stamps makes me happy and also forces me to write neatly versus my usual illegible handwriting which I cannot even read sometimes. =)

If you are interested, shop for your DIY Rubber Stamp Kit here. Have fun!
Till the next blog post, make something with your hands! =)