Yes! You can create pretty butterflies with red packets! It is really simple and fun. Read on to learn how to create them.

The materials needed:
Red packets
A pair of scissors
A penknife
A pencil
A bottle
Red String or craft pipe cleaners.

Step 1: With a penknife, slice open the red packet.

Step 2: To create the top set of butterfly wings, we fold a triangle with the desired portion of the red packet design. This triangle will allow us to cut a regular square piece.

Step 3: To create the bottom set of butterfly wings, we trace a circle with a bottle.

Step 4: Cut out the shapes.

Step 5: Create folds on both the square and circle cut outs.

Step 6: Cut a piece of string to tie both pieces of folded pieces together.

Step 7: Secure the square folded piece on top and the circle folded piece below. We then trim the left over string to form the antenna of the butterfly.

Step 8: Gently open up the folds and your butterfly is all ready!
Go on and create a flutter of butterflies!
If you are keen to learn how you can also create mini lanterns from with red packets, click on here to find out more!